I loved everything about the Chenard's session! The pictures were amazing and we all left
with a
hilarious, but embarrassing (for me) story of
me getting pulled over with no
on….Yes that's
right…pulled over…with no pants!
I had been planning the Chenard's maternity session for months! When I found a
gorgeous banner by Vintage Inspirations at the local Bazaar. I knew right away the shot I
wanted, how I wanted it and where!!! After many, MANY delays; dress not coming in
and weather raining on our parade, we finally set the date!
Well to get the perfect pictures I pretty much was rolling around in the mud! By the end
of the session, to say I was completely covered in mud, would be an understatement!!!
Now the moment I know you have all been waiting for! (you skipped to this part didn't
you? ;P) We wrapped up the session called it a night and got in our cars. Well there was
no way I was going to drive with SOAKED and MUDDY pants so off they went! And
wouldn't you know it…I was pulled over on the way home!
He came to my window for a "random vehicle check" and was INSTANTLY shocked.
The amazing fact the German Police officer even showed emotion proves he was totally
unprepared for my pant-less "No Shave November" legs! I tried to hide the fact I wasn't
wearing pants by pulling my shirt down but there is just no hiding when your legs could
mistaken for a stowaway Chewbaca!
Aparently he wasn't a Star Wars fan because he
asked me to get out of the car….
"Sir I am a photographer and I just got done with a session and I got
covered in
mud so I took off my pants…can I put them on before I get out of the car?"
If only I could have had a picture of his face...
Luckily they let me put my
pants on first!!!
I ended up having to do my very first ever breathalyzer test and asked me if I was doing
drugs…because well you know sane, sober people drive with clean dry pants! When the
breathalyzer came back negative (obviously) they were in complete and utter shock. They
were 100% sure I was going to fail and break their machine in the process! It was
definitely another moment I wish I had on camera! Luckily they let me go! NO TICKET
So there is my
fun and embarrassing story for the day! I hope you enjoyed this, and the
Chenard family!

- That one time I got pulled over with no pants on….